Critical Reflection
CVE 1281 Effective Communication module was a incredible learning experience. In this module, I have learned many techniques on articulating my ideas in terms of speaking and writing. The goals I had at the start of the module were to improve on my presentation skills and writing skills as I knew that these were some of the skills I needed in near future in workforce. Presentation skill was the most crucial skill I felt I needed to improve on, previously in my introduction letter, I mentioned that I aspire to take over my family business. As a business owner of a small medium enterprise (SME), presentations are no doubt essential as my family business is project based, giving a proposal presentation like the ones during our class to secure a project is part of the job. In this module there were many instances that everyone gets, to do small presentations and get feedback from peers, I found it a valuable experience to practice presentation skills like eye contact, vocalisation, body la